EXPLORE environments filled with adventure, then alter them? DISCOVER secrets and treasures, then play with them? CREATE your own models, then make a world your own? In LEGO® Worlds, it’s up to you. Enter one of the following codes after completing the three starter worlds to activate the corresponding cheat function: Cheat Code Result. What is Lego Worlds, and what can you do in it? In a galaxy of procedural worlds made entirely from LEGO bricks, will you. No, for certain truly dedicated Netflix enthusiasts, the service is like a LEGO set to be tinkered with and improved upon. Empyrion - Galactic Survival is a 3D open world, space survival adventure in which. Have a question about the game? Check out our commonly asked questions here before you post! Guide to all things Lego Worlds here Welcome Builders Cheatbook is the resource for the latest Cheats, tips, cheat codes.